Maybe this doesn’t need to be said, but I’m more than just queer. So, while I’m currently in a season of life where a large “chunk” of what I reflect and write is wrapped up in my gender transition, it will become less front-and-center the further into my transition I get.

In the meantime, I’ve created this page (which, in case you didn’t catch it, is a riff off the term “genderfuck“) to gather together information that explains my experience of being genderqueer in particular, as well as addressing frequently asked questions about what it means to be queer or transgender in general. It is a work in process.

All of the terminology around queer stuff confuses me. What does it mean to be “queer”?

“Queer” can mean lots of things to different people. But, generally speaking, it is an umbrella term for folks who aren’t straight or cisgender. Though many of us embrace “queer” as a sort of movement against social norms around gender and sexuality.

If you want to start engaging the complexity of queerness, check out Ezgender Wiki, particularly their list of common umbrella terms.

Where can I learn more about trans stuff? Including how to be in solidarity with trans folx?
  • glaad has some helpful information on their site, including a Transgender FAQ, tips for allies, and a list of resources for trans folx and their allies.
  • straight for equality also has resources and links particularly for trans allies that are also great for those who are either questioning their own assigned gender or early in a transition.
  • the Trevor Project has resources and info geared particularly for trans youth.
Where can I learn more about queer spirituality?

I’m not well-verse in the best sites for information about queer spirituality in general. But here are some places to start if you’re interested in a mostly-Christian perspective:

  • I did ten interviews about queer spirituality as part of my “Faith in Transition” project.
  • Queer Theology is a wonderful resource for Christian folks, including resources for allies.
  • QSpirit is also great and focuses particularly on queer spirituality.