I support people and organizations approach the world by peering through a subversive lens…challenging assumptions and helping people embody an alternative to the imperial norm. I weave together the skills of a theologian, a pastor, a spiritual director, an artist and an activist to help people incarnate something new into our troubled world.
This can take different shapes. Sometime this involves individual or group spiritual direction. Sometimes this looks like consultation. Sometimes I take the posture of an educator or communicator. Sometimes I lead retreats or facilitate group discernment.
Whatever form it takes, my vocation in this world is to help people turn from the false promises of Empire to embody something new.
Spiritual direction is the practice of being with people as they discern the presence of the Spirit in their life or attempt to grow deeper into the spiritual life. It is often practiced one on one, with a director meeting with a directee. Though it is also a group practice.
As a one-on-one practice, a directee usually meets a director once a month for an hour. The focus of each session is the directee’s experience of the Spirit in all aspects of their life–even in areas that might not, on initial reflection, have much to do with the Spirit at all.
Group spiritual direction can take a number of forms. Sometimes it means facilitating a retreat. Other times, it is means helping a group or organization discern how to be faithful to their unique vocations. And sometimes it is an open-ended process of helping a group of people support each other in their individual and collective spiritual growth.
I come to the vocation of spiritual direction as an activist and radical. I am particularly interested in the intersections of spiritual formation, social justice, and creativity. I bring with me a recognition that oppression stifles spirituality—that the dominant myths of our society (which are tied up in capitalist systems, white supremacy, patriarchy, heterosexism, etc) are barriers to liberation of our bodies and spirits. My experience helps me notice things that other spiritual directors may not understand or might miss.
I offer spiritual direction through the Center for Prophetic Imagination. You can find out more about my approach to spiritual direction and my suggested rates on CPI’s website.
I’m an experienced communicator in a variety of modes and contexts: keynote presentations, guest lecturing, panel conversations, interviews, and sermons. I’ve been a guest presenter throughout North America and am known for my blend of incisive analysis, self-deprecating wit, and creativity.
I’ve addressed groups ranging from intimate gatherings with a handful of people to gatherings numbering in the thousands.
My content areas usually involve the intersection of radical action and deep spirituality. Some might see that as a small niche, but it contains multitudes. I’ve presented at megachurches about the need for radical hospitality, at Universities about the history of Christian radicalism, to national youth ministry gatherings about the dangers of Christian supremacy, to seminaries about the importance of mysticism, and to activist collectives about the spirituality of the Trickster, and so much more!
Find more information about format, topics, and booking on the CPI website.
I don’t look at things the same way most people do. Some people find that a bad thing. But others cherish it as a gift. As a consultant, I bring together my passion for liberation, my strategic thinking, and my experience as a spiritual director to help persons and groups discern how they might deepen in their individual or collective vocation, and how they might tap into a generative capacity to transform their situation.
If you want to invite me to help you as a consultant, my standard feed is $100/hr. I am willing to consult via Zoom/Skype/etc, but prefer meeting in person. If consulting with a group turns into an ongoing process of discernment and facilitation, we will make other arrangements based upon your budget and needs.
Most of the work I do is through the Center for Prophetic Imagination (CPI), which I co-founded and where I serve as director. Much of the time, the income I receive through speaking, writing, consulting, or spiritual direction goes to support CPI. There are exceptions, however, if the services provided are above-and-beyond the time dedicated to my work at CPI (which is part time) or if the services provided aren’t directly related to the mission, vision, and core principles of CPI.